
Release time:2018-01-29


(Notice for foreign membership application of the Chinese Mathematical Society )





章程 第三章 会员


第九条 (四)外籍会员入会,需向本会直接申请,由本会会员一人介绍,经(常务)理事会批准并由(常务)理事会授权学会办公室发给会员证,即为外籍会员,并报中国科协备案。


根据学会章程,外籍数学工作者申请入会需有一名数学会会员作推荐人,并与申请人共同完成《Foreign Member Application Form of the CMS》表格的填写,将申请以邮件或邮寄的形式送至办公室。外籍会员的入会申请将由常务理事在常务理事会会议上审核与批准。



For foreign mathematical workers who want to be a member of the Chinese Mathematical Society, the following procedures need to be completed:

1. First you need to get a current member of the CMS to refer you. Once you have a referee you need to fill out the < Foreign Member Application Form of the CMS > together with him/her. When you have filled in the application you may mail it to the office of the CMS. Please note that the application has to be signed by both you and your referee.

2.The membership application of foreigners will be discussed and approved by the Standing council of the CMS during the standing Council meeting. 

Welcome to join the Chinese Mathematical Society!

外籍会员入会申请表下载:Foreign Member Application Form of the CMS

办公室/Office of the Chinese Mathematical Society

Address:北京市海淀区中关村东路55号,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 思源楼534室

        China, Beijing, Haidian district, zhongguancun East road no.55,

        Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Tel: 010-82541448/1197

Email address: cms@math.ac.cn


Hua Loo-Keng Prize of Mathematics

Professor Hua Loo-Keng is a famous mathematician

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Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award

Professor Jiaqing ZHONG

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