
Release time:2021-09-08





2. 具有强烈的责任心,有较强的沟通交流、文字撰写能力,做事积极主动、认真细致;

4. 年龄原则上不超过35周岁,身体健康,具备专职履责能力;

6. 具有一定的英语文字和口语交流能力。



1. 有意应聘者,请于2021年930日前将《华东师范大学应聘表》(附件)通过电邮发送至cmsmes@math.ecnu.edu.cn,邮件名称请标明“应聘分会专职秘书+姓名”。

3. 联系人:张老师,联系电话:021-54342646-105

原文链接:数学教育分会招聘专职秘书 (ecnu.edu.cn)


Hua Loo-Keng Prize of Mathematics

Professor Hua Loo-Keng is a famous mathematician

Professor Hua Loo-Keng is a famous Chinese mathematician and loves his motherland deeply. He devoted into the scientific career, and made an outstanding contribution to the Chinese mathematical career and talents cultivation for all his life.

Shiing Shen Chern Mathematics Award

Prof Chern is a worldwide math master

As a Chinese American mathematician, a foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Shiing Shen Chern is a worldwide math master. He made outstanding contributions to the development of mathematics.

Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award

Professor Jiaqing ZHONG

Professor Jiaqing ZHONG was very concerned about the development of the mathematics of the motherland during his lifetime and worked hard for it. He has said that the development of mathematics depends on the active cultivation and selection of outstanding young mathematicians. He sincerely wish to establish a fund in China to reward outstanding young mathematicians.

Scan two-dimensional code, pay attention to mathematics


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